Telugu kamakathalu Adavi Mallelu Katha:
Business Intelligence technologies provide a wide range of informative views in business operations - current, historical and predictive. Common functions of BI included:
• Analysis
• Benchmarking
• Business performance management
• Complex event processing
• Data mining
• Online analytical processing
• Predictive analytics

• Process mining
• Reporting
• Text mining
Business decisions that are supported by BI techniques include operational, strategic and many others.
• Operational decisions cover market positioning of products and services, and pricing
• Strategic decisions include directions, goals and priorities on a broad level
In all, Business Intelligence can be most effective only when it involves combination of data derived from the market segment in which the business operates, which is classified as 'external data' along with data from internal company areas such as finance and operations, which is classified as 'internal data'. No single set of data, either external or internal can create the 'intelligence' that is required to provide a complete analysis of business functions and results.
Business Intelligence Software
BI software refers to programs that can analyze data and organize the information for better decision making. Since first being introduced in the 1960s as 'decision support systems', Business Intelligence software has quickly gained traction in the business world with several software companies producing business intelligence tools for specific types of data gathering.