vedhavannara-vedhava pooku gula katha


Na pooku dengadu gatiga Abbaa Vedhavannara Vedhava Abbaa..!!

Claims that five Google Nexus-branded phones are in the works for simultaneous release later this year got a fresh layer of credibility today, setting the scene for a smartphone battle royale in the closing months of 2012.

According to last week’s report from Talk Android, the five devices will be manufactured by Google’s five key Android partners, namely: Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG and Sony.

All handsets will purportedly feature the unadulterated, vanilla version of Android for which the Nexus brand is known and will showcase the forthcoming Jelly Bean OS iteration.

Today, more details have emerged of Google’s plans. An insider familiar with matters down at Mountain View claims that the phones will drop on November 5th - a date that marks five years since the Android platform was unveiled.

Should the site’s information prove correct, it would set up a cut-throat battle with the iPhone 5, which is scheduled for launch in October, for market share in the final quarter of the year.

Opening up the Nexus brand to multiple manufacturers would also mark a sea change in Google’s approach to the Nexus range.

Previously Google has brought only one Nexus device to market per year, with manufacturing duty granted to a single preferred partner.

The shift is thought to be partly aimed at cutting down on the fragmentation problems that have plagued Android from very early on. These have been caused largely by manufacturers’ custom skins which have created delays when phone makers’ attempt to update handsets to newer versions of the OS.